Rules Main

Rules Create - Step 1

Rules Create - Step 2

Rules Create - Step 3

Rules Create - Step 4

Rules Create - Step 5

Rules Create - Step 6

Rules Create - Step 7

Rules Create - Step 8

Rules Editor Delete

Another example

Rules Edit v1

Flows Main

Flows Main


Value Selector v3

User needs to select another value. Taps arrow on the value select rich button

Value selector opens

Decides to create a new value vs select one.

Some colorful confirmation update. Hold then dismiss.

Back to the panel that launched the selector

Value Selector v2

V2 explores a way to kick open a value selector while we keep the primary task on the screen.

Value Selector

During creation. User adds an operation. Instead of the pull-down we direct the user to a picklist

The pick list. User gets to scroll up and down through all the possible value. One tap select then selector panel closes the the user continue with the operation editor

Values: Create New

Use Cases


Create New Value. While user is on the main values page.

Values: Create New Part 2

Values: Main

Form To Form

Create New Flow

Idea. Landing Tiles